Hi there! More than any other moniker, MOM is who I am right now. I’m also an art & crafts fair organizer (we’re now accepting applications over at Quail Hollow Events), art historian, wife, teacher of art history, preschool art educator, writer and sometimes crafter. I do lots of projects with my kindergartener — while her mischevious baby sister runs around in paint and glue, squealing and screaming with a glee spawned from sensory exploration. Hoping to inspire through art and teach little ones about the relationship between art and the human experience. I also write about my very normal, but nevertheless crazy, day-to-day life with my littles. I usually write on my phone while wearing a sleeping baby, trying to find mental quietude and connection within the repetition and chaos of mommyhood. 

Last year, we started with a YouTube channel — born out of my daughter’s love for watching OTHER kids make things and play with toys (seemed like a good opportunity to teach about active participation vs spectatorship, ha!). We don’t have time to film that often, but you can visit us there at Raya’s World Arts & Crafts.