art · Crafting · preschool

Resist Printing for Kids with Shaving Cream

Miss R takes great pride in her artistic output. But, like every artist, there are always those projects that shine brightly -- ones she's especially pleased with and wants to try again and again. Lately, the shimmery gems in her oeuvre -- the works that make her giddy with self-admiration -- are those created through resist… Continue reading Resist Printing for Kids with Shaving Cream

art · Crafting · preschool

Tasting Painting: Edible Art

All signs are pointing to baby K following the path of her big sis as a petite artiste. She demands (in no uncertain way) to be a part of every activity we do. But when we're dealing with slime-making supplies or other less-than-taste-friendly materials, it's a constant struggle to grab toxic items from her tiny… Continue reading Tasting Painting: Edible Art

art · Crafting · preschool

Nebula Painting on Glass: Fine Art for Kids 

Miss R and I were hard at work today on arty-crafty-slimey projects. One positive result of being internet deprived is that there's more (too much?) time for hands-on activities. I'd like to say that my family is becoming more Zen-minded and present and less device-attached, but in truth we're all going a bit crazy. Still,… Continue reading Nebula Painting on Glass: Fine Art for Kids 

Crafting · preschool · sahm

Disconnected, Overrun, and DIY Jupiter Juice “Blood”

*For quick access to the Jupiter Juice recipe, scroll on down.  Since returning from our two-week-long summer sojourn back east, we've been living in a house overrun by wildlife and without access to the outside world. At least, that's what it feels like. Here's the recap. First off, the bobcats returned while we were gone… Continue reading Disconnected, Overrun, and DIY Jupiter Juice “Blood”

art · Crafting · preschool

Tissue Paper Tape Resist Painting

Since we're still on our summer "holiday" visiting family back east, most of the time I'm responsible for only one of my two children. Right now, for example, miss R is playing a game with her MiMi while I sit in the sun room watching, listening to and smelling the torrential rain just outside the… Continue reading Tissue Paper Tape Resist Painting