preschool · sahm

The Game of Catch-Up

Game of Catch up and being present with kids -- how to stay mindful with an active Mommy mindAs a mommy to two little girls, many of my moments are brimming with to-do lists from every tense — past, present and future. When I first sat down to pen this post, the intro went something like this: “I’m still playing catch up following our travels and ailments…” I was then going to regale you with a paper-bowls-for-preschoolers tutorial, until I realized that the phrase “playing catch up” had suddenly become a main player in my mommy jargon. I’ll add it to the list of sayings that I unwittingly embraced during motherhood, alongside “believe it or not,” “ooh Je!” (translation: oh, poor baby, are you okay?), “did you brush and wash?” and “it’s calm-down time.”

While in the shower this morning, I wiped away condensation from the calcified glass door to watch K in her swing. Her soft legs, streaked with orange and brown marker (evidently not washable), hung limply from her relaxed body. Her heavy eyes closed and opened as she began to succumb to sleep. A nap was in motion, so I quickly conducted a mental rundown of all of my yet-to-be completed tasks. I carefully considered what I should prioritize during K’s no-more-than-20-minute doze. I stared back through the glass. She had swapped out her pacifier for one of those heart-melting dream smiles with which newborns win the world over. It occurred to me that I’m not in fact engaged in a perpetual game of “catch up,” but rather living in a present that includes a stream of mostly arbitrary due dates. What am I catching, anyway? 

Throughout the day, I kept wondering how I might remove this whole “catch up” mentality so as to better sink into the now. I worried about the magical, messy mountains I might be missing by working so hard to turn them into molehills. I thought about how I should try harder to be present, try harder to really see my girls and quiet my mind. Until it hit me. This is the present. In my adulthood, I’ve never been in it more fully. My little girls jolt me back to the here and the now with every spill, every tumble, every tear, every question, every diaper blowout, every tantrum, every hug, every story, every song, every disorderly art project. I might never abandon my to-do list or assume a carefree attitude toward the upkeep of my home. But it doesn’t really matter. Because it won’t stop the unforeseen demands that accompany each successive moment. This relentless and unpredictable routine is parenthood. And every noisy path leads to here

11 thoughts on “The Game of Catch-Up

  1. I am a mom of two girls as well! my to do list is never ending and never completed either. My kitchen is always a mess, some days it bothers me and somedays I say screw it. I try to live in the here and the now. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally. I really do relish those few minutes after I clean, when the house is presentable. But I try to remember that another mess is on its way, and that mess usually = fun for the kiddos.

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  2. Arty Mommy – your new site looks amazing! You are not only a relatable empathetic voice for so many of us mommies out there but an inspiration, guiding us through activities to make the days with the little ones as rewarding and creative as possible. Keep up the good work!

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  3. Yesterday, while the girls slept I gave myself a pedi and watched a documentary on netflix. I haven’t done that in… MONTHS… I had “festival feet.”
    It doesn’t matter that Glo woke before my toes were dry and my right big toe is smudged by carpet- you are right- it all comes back to here and ultimately I love it that way.

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  4. Love this post — I constantly feel like I’m behind on everything, too, and I’ve never thought about how that trying to catch up mentality might keep me from being present and enjoying the now.

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